Advancing Digital South Yorkshire


Web Analytics: Intermediate

Alternatively you might be interested in Web Analytics: Beginner

Web Analytics Beginner


On this course develop your web analytics skills with an understanding of advanced analytics techniques. You will learn how to optimise your website in search engines and how to use tools such as Google Analytics. You will also learn about smart searching, accessibility support of your site and the importance of understanding your user journey.

Core topics:

  • SEO 
    • Learn why investing in website structure, usability, navigation, keywords, links and tags is important to SEO 
    • Learn to find and follow Google guidelines to keep up to date with powerful search engines 
  • Google Analytics and Tag manager 
    • Learn about the powerful Google tools and courses   
    • Learn about basic scripting and what the code means 
  • Basic Website development and customisation 
    • Change HTML, CSS and JavaScript to understand the importance of smart design 

Who should attend?

  • Website owners (e.g. managers or marketers) 
  • Website users wanting to understand their digital footprint 

There are no more scheduled dates for this course. If you are interested in it or have any other questions, please get in touch via email: