Advancing Digital South Yorkshire


Databases: Beginner

Alternatively you might be interested in Databases:  Intermediate


On this short course you will learn how to modernise, improve and optimise how you use your data. Data issues can appear because data is not effectively stored or properly managed. You may have too much data in spreadsheets that are used by different people. This short course will allow you to analyse and document your data and help identify weaknesses while specifying how improvements could be made. You will learn about the principles of databases and, how to interrogate a database. This will include what the differences between a spreadsheet and a database, how to build your own dataset and structuring a select, update, and insert statements. Additionally, cross table queries (joins) and entity relationship modelling.

Core topics:

  • What is a database? 
    • Discussion and demonstration of what data is, how it is represented and stored 
    • Practical identification of databases, their types and format, and their benefits 
  • Tables Fields and Records
    • Concept discussion and demonstration of tables, columns, rows and data in different formats 
    • Which format is right for you? 
    • Smart structure and design 
  • CRUD – Creating, Reading, Updating & Deleting
    • Creating data using insert statements and its variations 
    • Reading data using select statements and joining multiple tables 
    • Updating data in a safe way 
    • Deleting data, the correct way 
  • Entity Relationship Diagrams and modelling
    • Discussion and application of modelling data and relationships 
    • Primary keys 
    • Foreign keys 
    • Referential integrity 

Who should attend?

  • Anyone who wants to learn database querying fundamentals 
  • Anyone keen to move to professional data management

There are no more scheduled dates for this course. If you are interested in it or have any other questions, please get in touch via email: