Advancing Digital South Yorkshire


Systems of eCare Courses

Systems of eCare


The use of information technology and communications can offer new opportunities to all involved in healthcare. “Systems of eCare” was designed and implemented in 2009 by Professor Paula Procter and has continued to be used across pre-registration courses in nursing, midwifery and the allied health professions at SHU. Our short courses based on Systems of eCare help healthcare practitioners to develop the skills required in this changing landscape.  

The courses

Systems of eCare has been adapted to available online, and something you can work on each course in own time. It is aimed to be for employed applied healthcare professionals. It has the following three courses: 

  • eCare – Digital transformation in health and what the future holds 
  • eCare – Digital systems, structures and security 
  • eCare – The impact of integration and information

Pre-Requisites - who should attend?

You are expected to be a healthcare professional living or working in the South Yorkshire region.

No specific IT skills are required to start these courses.

Contact Us

Should you have any questions about taking these courses, please get in touch via email:

Living or working in South Yorkshire: Register your interest