Advancing Digital South Yorkshire


Meet The Team​

Chris Roast

Project Lead
Chris works in a variety of areas oriented to applying academic research. He has been the lead academic on a variety of industry based collaborative projects and is currently Business and Enterprise lead in the Department of Computing.

Tanni Moyana

Senior Lecturer
Tanni is a Senior Lecturer on the project, with experience working as a digital consultant for SMEs in the Sheffield City Region. His areas of expertise include: Web and Applications development, cloud-based solutions, and data management.

Mohammad Saedi

Senior Lecturer
Mohammad is a Senior Lecturer working on Advancing Digital at Sheffield Hallam University. His areas of expertise include: Secure Communication, Machine Intelligence and IoT.
sarah warris

Sarah Warris

Senior Project Administrator

Sarah is also a key part of the Business Engagement, Skills & Employability Team. She supports employee and employer development and works with Help to Grow: Management, as well as Advancing Digital.


Philip Corker

Project Manager

Phil is part of the Business Engagement, Skills & Employability Team. He has worked on employee/employer development projects including Help to Grow: Management, and most recently, Advancing Digital.

Our Advancing Digital partners: